Toll FREE 1-855-443-3220
We will measure your roof, evaluate your home’s structural integrity, document how your home sits geographically on your property, see where you will receive best sunlight and inspect your existing electrical panel. This process can normally be accomplished within 48 hours after your decision to switch to solar power.
Our team of engineers will design a solar array specifically to fit on your roof. This process includes engineered drawings of the solar panel layout on CAD for your roof. Once these drawings are completed, we will send you a copy for your approval.
Our team will submit drawings to your homeowners association and/or Architectural Review Board for approval. Once approved, we will ensure that all of the necessary electrical and structural permits are pulled with the local municipality.
A member of our operations department will call you to schedule your installation. Since all of our installers are employees, we can control the quality of our work. Our certified and trained technicians will take their time and ensure your complete satisfaction throughout the installation process.
After we do an internal quality check of the installation, we will schedule a final inspection with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to get a final approval for your solar system installation.
After the final inspection has been completed, we contact your utility company to schedule their inspection which will lead to your PTO. After your granted PTO by your utility, you can start your way towards energy independence and generating your own clean energy from solar.
In 10 years, your power bill will be exactly what it is today, a bill. With Solar, you will be investing in an asset that has monetary value. Would you rather rent your power or own it?
Switching to Solar power has never been easier or more affordable. Take advantage of the existing federal & state tax credits and switch to Solar for $0 cost down while this is available.
Tired of seeing your power bill increase year after year? Switch to Solar and never have an increase again. Our prices will stay the same until you own your system.
Help to reduce greenhouse gasses and your carbon footprint. Going Solar means your doing your part to make sure we can enjoy this planet for generations to come.
With the net metering law being passed in 2015, you can now sell your excess energy back to the utility company for retail rates. This puts homeowners on a level playing field for the first time ever in South Carolina.
This is the holy grail of Solar power for your home. Own your power and become energy independent in a short time.
Our engineers will design a system that takes advantage of your homes position and maximize the amount of solar power you can generate.
Studies are showing that Solar powered homes are bringing between 7-14% more in sales prices as homes that are still using the utility company for their energy.
South Carolina is now a solar friendly state and South Carolina Solar is here to help homeowners switch from traditional utility services to green, sustainable solar energy. We will help guide you through the process of switching to solar and producing your own energy,educate you on how solar energy works and will be with you every step of the way to unsure your seamless transition. South Carolina Solar services the entire state of South Carolina from offices located in Charleston, Columbia and Greenville.
Free Solar Estimate South Carolina Solar offers Free solar estimate to home & business owners. We will have an energy specialist visit your home or business & educate you on how solar works. This initial meeting will allow us to conduct a quick visual inspection of your property, collect your energy usage and answer any of your questions. The first step in getting a proposal is for you to submit your annual energy consumption for us […]
Email or call us with questions you have about solar installation and solar energy production for your home. Installing solar panels on your home can be financially beneficial. Most homeowners wonder the following:
We are eager to educate you on the process of switching to solar from traditional energy.
Feel free to ask questions about home solar energy systems, cost of solar panels for your home or information on how to select one of the solar companies. There are many solar companies to choose from but South Carolina Solar is locally owned and operated right her in our state.
Call us today for a free consultation at 1-855-443-3220
Our locations offer solar installation to residents of South Carolina. South Carolina Solar will educate you on the process of switching to solar. Solar is new to South Carolina but has really taken off. A study by SEIA showed that solar installation through the state increased 303% in 2016.
CHARLESTON Solar Installation
Charleston is where our Corporate office is located. This office covers the Low Country and Coastal South Carolina. This location serves the areas of SC located between I-95, Georgetown and Beaufort.
FORT MILL Solar Installation
The cities in South Carolina that border the southern side of Charlotte have grown tremendously over the last twenty years. Many people that work in Charlotte live in these South Carolina cities. Out office in Fort Mill services all of York and Chester Counties.
COLUMBIA Solar Installation
If you live in central South Carolina, SCS has an office located in Columbia that can serve your needs. This office offers solar installations for homes located throughout the Midlands.
GREENVILLE Solar Installation
Our Greenville office allows us to install solar system for residents of the Upstate. Solar is booming and installations in this region of SC have really taken off.
There are many solar companies that offer home solar installation but South Carolina Solar is a local company that understands how to treat our clients. When the rebates and incentives become unavailable for our residents, we will still be here to serve you.
Beware of slick talking out of state salespeople. Solar is not a gimmick and isn’t fa fit for every home. Installing solar on your home is no get rich quick scheme. There are many factors that determine is solar is a good fit for a home.
Our locations throughout SC have friendly staffs that would love to help you determine if your home will qualify for Solar installation. We will educate you on the process and see if the financials look favorable.
The return on investment with a solar system for your home can be in the 300% plus range. In most cases it will take a few years to see savings versus your current bill. In the long term, Solar can help you eliminate your utility bill completely.
Call us today and find out if your home is a fit for Solar.